Giving away merchandise for your employees can be a great way that you can improve morale within your company as well as show your employees just tell much you appreciate them. Many companies are quick to giveaway items like t-shirts, coffee mugs, pins and more. But is this what employees really want?
Instead of some of these popular options you may want to consider rewarding your employees with custom blankets that have the logo of your company on them. Here some of the top reasons why you...
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Over the past several decades most people have become aware of how damaging the sun can be to the skin. Even though many adults spent hours in the direct sun themselves, they are more concerned about their children. The eyes are a different matter and though most adults wear sunglasses, they aren’t as likely to realize that kids need sunglasses, too.
Wearing Sunglasses
A survey taken by the Vision Council asked 10,000 adults about their use of sunglasses. About...
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If you are planning a corporate team building exercise you should strongly consider the use of a gift at the end of the team building retreat. While many team building retreats already give away fun items like water bottles, t-shirts and stationery you may want to consider giving away something completely unique. A custom blanket is an excellent team building gift and here are some of the top advantages that you can receive giving away custom blankets as team building prizes:
They can display...
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Are you interested in getting the word out about your company? Would you like to potentially giveaway some merchandise as a means to market your brand? While hats and T-shirts make an excellent start for giveaway items with your company you should strongly consider adding some other house ware items too.
A popular new item that many companies are giving away for advertising our custom blankets. These blankets can contain all sorts of information about a company from their slogans to...
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Though sunglasses may have been originally designed to dim the lights, today they do much more. Thanks to technology, sunglasses protect us from UV rays which can cause permanent damage to the vision. Here’s a rundown of what you need to know about UV and sunglasses.
What is UV light?
What we call “light” is a type of energy which flows in “waves” of different lengths, ranging from long, low energy rays of infrared (IR) to short, high energy rays of...
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If you are looking for unique items for a tradeshow you should strongly consider the use of custom blankets instead of T-shirts, stationary or other corporate items. When you are interested in getting something that is totally unique for the next tradeshow you go to, here are some of the following reasons why you should consider custom blankets instead of other handout options:
- Custom embroidered blankets display your logo much larger: Rather than a beach towel or tshirt a custom blanket can...
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Sunglasses are not something that most people think of as a “meaningful” item. Naturally, sunglasses mean that your eyes will be shielded from the sun. Today, with knowledge of the dangers of exposure to too much of the wrong kind of light, sunglasses provide protection from the sun and make it easier to see. They can improve the vision, hide emotions, and even obscure appearance but answering the question “What is the meaning of sunglasses?” is...
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Sunglasses have been associated with celebrities, wealth and risqué behavior for a reason. They were once rare and used only by royalty, worn by syphilis victims who were spurned in the Victorian era, and used by movie stars to protect the eyes from harsh lights. Though everyone has at least one pair of them today, the history of sunglasses tells us how they became so popular.
No trees in the colosseum
The history of modern-day sunglasses reaches back to the...
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If you are considering new marketing tools for your business one of the biggest things that you should consider are sunglasses. These products are perhaps one of the most in demand fashion accessories today. As a company, giving away branded sunglasses with a logo or even just a subtle marketing message can be an excellent move for brand recognition.
Sunglasses are almost like a new T-shirt marketing option today. While many businesses utilize custom printed materials today they often...
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Many companies commonly overlook the use of sunglasses as a marketing tool. Giving out branded sunglasses at an event or selling specialty branded sunglasses at your location can really make a big impact for brand recognition and for spreading a marketing message around. Consider some of the following top reasons why you should be using customized sunglasses for your branding needs.
They are inexpensive: Creating custom sunglasses can be around the same price as creating T-shirts and in...
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